Wylde Center could never accomplish the goals of our mission without support from the community, whether in the form of monetary contributions, in-kind donations, or the donation of much-needed supplies.
Financial support from our donors allows us to continue to provide free or low-cost services and programs to the community. In particular, the work we do in Title I schools in Metro Atlanta is offered at no cost. Additionally, we often provide an additional travel stipend to Title I schools wanting to attend field trips at one of our gardens.
Monetary donations can be made via the link above, check, cash, or stock. Please reach out if you would like to make a pledge to be paid in multiple installments.
Any contribution of any size is very much appreciated. And as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, all contributions are tax deductible. If you have any questions about how to donate or what our most urgent need is, please reach out to our development team at: development@wyldecenter.org.