Our much-anticipated project, the largest of our 25th Anniversary Capital Campaig, is complete! We are happy to see the years of preparation and planning take shape in a very visible and public way.
The Oakhurst Garden underwent a total facelift. First, the flooding of the garden whas been remedied by a combination of drains and rain gardens. Simultaneously, the building that has housed events, classes, and staff offices was completely gutted and rebuilt to provide a functional space that is ADA compliant and has a large multi-purpose room for a class of 25 or an event that needs to be indoors.
Because you have invested in this project with generous volunteer time and financial support, we want to make sure you are up-to-date on all of the changes. Afterall, this is a community garden!
Stay tuned for more pictures as we prepare for our move in before the end of the year.